(Posts filtered by ted talk.)
Playing to Learn Predictive TDD
Video recording of my presentation to Agile Lunch & Learn on how to learn Test-Driven Development by playing JitterTed's TDD Game.
tddgamevideoted talk February 20, 2024Your Classes are Too Big (Talk)
Video recording and slides from my presentation to the Seattle Crafters Group: Want your code to be easier to understand and test? Fix Primitive Obsession.
code-smellsprimitive obsessionfeature envyvideoted talk May 30, 2023More Testable Code with Hexagonal Architecture (Talk)
Video recording of my presentation to PhillyXP on how Separation of I/O Concerns makes code more testable.
hexagonal-architecturetestingvideoted talk February 21, 2023Human Learning (Video)
How We Learn & Why It Matters. Video recording of my presentation at the 2018 Silicon Valley Code Camp.
videolearningted talk October 30, 2018